Christ in youth

Christ In Youth is an organization in Joplin, MO that develops and hosts student ministry events. These events have become a critical part of our student ministry here at Grand Avenue. They do an excellent job at being relevant with their teachings and topics. However, the most beneficial thing for our students has been the community that is built. Being away together and having a joint experience brings all of us much closer to one another, and most importantly, to Jesus. 

MIX : Jr High

This is the Junior High event held in the summer. The destination changes , however we try to keep it within a six-hour drive time. It's jam-packed with great teaching and community building. This event is a critical part of our Jr. High ministry. 

MOVE : High School

 This is the High School event held over the summer for a week. It’s the big one! The destination changes from year to year. However, we do try to keep within an eight-hour drive time. This event will absolutely make a difference in your student’s faith. We can’t say enough good things about it!